Right now I'm a visiting scholar here at Stanford University, doing research in high-level software composition for distributed systems (CHAIMS). Before that I was more in the field of software development methods. I got involved with quality assurance and software development methods while I was working in industry after my graduation in computer science from the University of Bern. This involvement lead to a PhD-thesis about scenarios in object-oriented analysis. For the PhD-thesis I was affiliated with the Software Engineering Laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, where you can find even more information about me.

Publications and Documents

Contact information

Address: Gates Computer Science 4A, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
Phone: (650) 725-0177      Fax: (650) 725-2588       Office: 418
Email: beringer@db.stanford.edu or d.i.beringer@ieee.org

Page last modified: Feb. 15, 1999