Research Investigatorships
29 March 1995, updated 23 May 1996.
period role and percentage of effort: Title (funding agency.
grant number; amount [if NIH exclusive of indirect costs])
- 1994-1996 Investigator 25% on Stanford Segment (Mike Genesereth,
PI): CommerceNet Consortium (ARPA TRP; $100,000 / $11M)
- 1995-1997 Principal Investigator, subcontract to SRI, Menlo Park:
Trusted Interoperation of Health Care Information: TIHI
(NSF CISE; $242,000 / $1,303,144)
- 1995-1996 Investigator subcontract to Lexical Technology Inc,
Alameda CA (Medical School): Access to NLM databases as
PDQ, Cancerlit, (NCI, SBIR; $24,978 / $100,000)
- 1995-96 Principal Investigator: Mediators for Data pertaining to
Environmental Restoration at Idaho National Laboratories
(Lockheed Martin, INEL, Idaho Falls ID; FY95 $73,462, FY96
$271,000. Includes subcontract to ISX.)
- 1996-ongoing Faculty Participant 10% (GSB): Stanford Computer
Industry Study (Sloan Foundation)
- 1996-1997 Principal Investigator (Medical School): Mediation to Implement
Feedback in Training: MIFT (DARPA CAETI; $300,000. Includes
subcontract to Myriad Software.)
- 1996-1999 Principal Investigator, CHAIMS: Compiling High-level
Interfaces for Multi-site Software (DARPA ITO; FY96-FY00 $600,000)
- 1996-1997 Investigator (Medical School, Yuval Shahar, PI), Temporal
Reasoning for Medical Treatment Planning (NSF; $70,000)
- 1997-1999 PI, subcontract to SRI: Secure Access Wrappers:
Securing Databases by Access Mediation; (DARPA ITO; Stanford
Subcontract $485,000)
(During my tenure at ARPA (1991-1994), all active contracts were turned over to other faculty at Stanford.)
- 1990-1991 Consultant Investigator, Professor James Fries (PI) 5% effort:
ATHOS: AIDS -- Time-oriented Health Outcome Study; (NCHSR/PHS/
HHS, $1,252,858 first year, 7,562,601 total requested)
- 1988-1991 Associate Investigator, Michael Flynn (PI) 5% effort:
Databases for Space Sciences (part of CASIS, Dept. of Aero
& Astronautics) (NASA NAGW-419, $122,476 1991 share)
- 1988-1991 Principal Investigator 25% effort
(turned over to Professor Lee Herzenberg and Dr. Larry Fagan):
FACS-Penguin: An Expert Workstation for Flow Cytometry
(NLM/NIH : $856,449 direct costs)
- 1988-1991 Principal Investigator 5% effort
(turned over to Professor Mike Flynn):
Computer-Assisted Analysis of Auroral Images Obtained from
High Altitude Polar Satellites (CESDIS/USRA 550-65/NASA,
$416,667, plus support for Dr. Robert Clauer)
- 1990-1994 Associate Investigator, Paul Losleben (PI) 10% effort
(handled by Professor Krishna Saraswat):
Micro Factory Project, Database for Manufacturing Expert
Systems Process Design Database; Texas Instruments/ARPA,
$287,442 + $288,877 out of $4,540,547)
- 1990-1991 Principal Investigator, 5% effort:
Statistical Knowledge Acquisition and Validation
(IBM Knowledge Systems Lab, Menlo Park $50,921).
- 1990-1992 Coinvestigator, Bill Neches (ISI) PI. Travel and costs only:
Knowledge Base Standards, Gio Wiederhold and Tim Finin,
KQML Subproject (DARPA/ISTO/ISI $29,000 direct)
- 1990-1992 Principal Investigator 8% effort:
FAUVE, Specification and Inplementation of Delayed Consistency
in Federated Databases; (IRIS/NSF: reduced to $145,808)
- 1988-1990 Principal Investigator 10% effort:
PARADATA: Databases on Parallel Computers
(NSF/IRI/K&DSP, year 1: $148,116, year 2: $159,689)
- 1989-1990 Co-Principal Investigator 5% effort with Jeffrey Ullman
and Nils Nilsson:
Active Databases for Mediation
(Hewlett-Packard Science Center, $90,000 direct).
- 1990-1991 Principal Investigator, 10% effort:
Knowledge-based Mediators
(IBM Knowledge Systems Lab, Menlo Park $62,340).
- 1989-1991 Coinvestigator with Kincho Law 5% effort:
Object Databases for CAD/CAE Data; Efficient Object
Bindings for Relational Data (Stanford/CIFE, $74,000)
- 1987-1990 Principal Investigator 10%:
Support for Parallel Design in an Engineering Information
System (NSF DTMP 8619595 $153,766, 148,116, 156,044)
- 1989-1990 Principal Investigator 50% effort:
Finalization of Knowledge Base Management Structures
(ONR/SPAWAR/DARPA, N39-84-C-211, task 24: $275,738)
- 1988 Principal Investigator 20% summer, 10% ac. year (6 months):
DADAISM: DBMS in and for ADA-supported Information System
Management (SRI/NRL/STARS/DoD: $220,861 total)
- 1987-1990 Associate Investigator, Stanford PI 5% effort actual:
Integrating Knowledge and DBMS (Overall PI Tom Strat, SRI AI/
ONR/SPAWAR/DARPA, refunded at greatly reduced level: $25,003 Subcontract)
- 1987-1989 Student supervision effort for Arun Swami:
Research in Relational Database Management Systems
(Hewlett-Packard: $16,974 + 18,682 + 19,938)
- 1987-1988 Principal Investigator 5%:
Knowledge acquisition and Validation for Expert Systems
from a Database (IBM KBS Menlo Park, $50,051)
- 1987-1988 Principal Investigator 5%:
Reasoning about R1ME (Digital Equipment Corp: $131,337)
- 1987-1988 Principal Investigator 5 and 20% (6 months):
DADAISM, Databases for Ada Information System Modules
(SRI/NRL/DoD Stars: $176,931)
- 1987 Principal Investigator 2.5% + 2.5% (3 months):
A Workshop on new Issues in Materials Databases
(NBS and NSF MSM-8711636, $15,153 + 22,730)
- 1986-1989 Principal Investigator 50% effort:
Knowledge Base Management Structures
(ONR/SPAWAR/DARPA, N39-84-C-211, task 7: $1,756,410)
- 1986-1987 Principal Investigator 10% effort:
Development of the U.S. Army Corporate Database
(CERL, FS-85-560, task #2, $31,960)
- 1985-1986 Investigator:
NAXOS, Hardware and Software Support for Knowledge Base
Management System; (DEC Hudson ISTG, 50% contribution)
- 1985 Principal Investigator 25% effort:
Knowledge about Domains from Disjoint Data
(NAVALEX/DOD, N39-84-C-211, task 6: $46,360)
- 1984-1987 Principal Investigator 50% effort:
Management of Knowledge and Databases
(ONR/NAVALEX/DARPA, N39-84-C-211: $1,193,852)
- 1984-1987 Associate Investigator 10% effort (PI Prof. Peter Banks):
Databases for Space Sciences (part of CASIS, Dept. of
Aero & Astronautics) NASA NAGW-419, $765,976 per annum)
- 1984-1987 Principal Investigator 10% effort:
RADIX, Deriving Knowledge from Clinical Databases
(NLM/NIH/DHHS, 84/33017-01 1R18 LM04334-01: $291,192)
- 1983 Student supervision effort for Marianne Winslett:
Database Systems (Xerox Palo Alto Research Center: $8,053)
- 1983-1985 Student supervision effort:
Research in Database Logic, for Ed Pednault
(AI center, SRI International, C-11223: $47,500)
- 1981-1982 Student supervision effort:
Database Update through Views, for Arthur Keller
(IBM San Jose Research Laboratory, PO S 941478 R4: $17,252)
- 1981-1984 Principal Investigator 5% effort:
RX, Deriving Knowledge from Clinical Databases
(NCHSR/DHHS, 3 R18 HS 04389: $210,527).
- 1981-1984 Principal Investigator 35% effort:
Management of Distributed Knowledge
(ONR/NAVALEX/DARPA, N39-82-C-250: $655,203)
- 1981-1983 Principal Investigator for Jerrold Kaplan:
Theory and Computation for Natural Language Processing
(NSF-IST, 8023889: $50,209)
- 1980-1982 Principal Investigator 10% effort:
Automated Ambulatory Medical Record Systems, Follow-up
(NCHSR/DHHS, HS 04152: $31,012)
- 1979-1981 Principal Investigator, dissertation support for Dr.R.L.Blum:
Integrating Medical Knowledge and Clinical Data Banks
(NCHSR/DHHS, 1 R03 HS3650-01: $35,000).
- 1977-1981 Principal Investigator:
Knowledge-Base Management Systems
(MDA/ARPA, 903-77-C-0322: $492,208; $283,716)
- 1977-1983 Principal Investigator:
Language System Development for the S-1 Multi-processor
(LLNL/DOE, PO9083403/W-7405-ENG-48: $816,256)
- 1975-1976 Investigator 50% UC San Francisco CA:
Automated Ambulatory Medical Record Systems (AAMRS)
NCHSR/DHHS: $80,000)