Many of the displayed items are provided on loan by the Computer Museum History Centerm[CMHC], now reconstituted as the Computer History Museum [CHM] in Mountain View. Others were donated by IBM [IBM], New Beginnings Antiques [NBA], provided by Voy and Gio Wiederhold [Gio], and many other individuals from Stanford and the world outside [As labeled]. There are about 150 photos, grouped by items and floors in the Stanford Gates Computer Science Department building.
The phototour has been augmented with some external references and pictures of some items not on display. There is also a catalogue of all photos.
You can start
at the beginning, or at any entry below.
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Item [prime donor] (year) location {number}
Logic Device Timeline
[CHM, gio] basement - cabinet 1 {1}
Election News text (1952)
[CHM] basement - cabinet 1 {1}
Univac Technology (1952)
[CHM] basement - cabinet 1 {2}
PDAs and KBMS group
[MIS, Kaplan]basement - cabinet 2 {2}
The Apollo computer has been returned to the CHM.
Apollo-2 display [CMHC](1960) basement {8}
[CHM]basement - cabinet 3 {2}
IBM PC [Gio] basement - cabinet 4 {3}
The Original Google Computer [Page and Brin] basement - cabinet 5 {3}
Professor Forsythe, founder and First Chairman of the Stanford CSD floor 1 - cabinet 2 {4}
CSD founding faculty (1965) floor 1 cabinet 3 {2}
IBM-CPC (1960) floor 1 cabinet 3 {3}
SAIL computer Lab display floor 1 - cabinet 4 {9}
SU Computer-Lab Seized by Vietnam protesters (1973) floor 1 - cabinet 5 {2}
LOTS student computing and
ACME timesharing signalling box. floor 1 cabinet 5 {2}
Disk Memories display [ME] floor 1 cabinet 1 {8}
Mechanical and Electrical calculators
[Forsythe, Floyd, Gio] floor 1 cabinet 2 base {8}
Stanford Programming contest trophies, John McCarthy Turing award
The Mobi-1 Robot and the Stanford Arm
[Stanford Robotics Lab, Scheinman]
floor 1, cabinets 6 and 7 {8}
Men of Mathematics Poster [IBM];
in staircase from the first to the second floor. The on-line tour also shows
some Women on Mathematics.
Early Devices display: memories [CMCH] floor2 left {9}
IBM 704 Vacuum Tube Assembly [CMHC] (1957) floor2 left {1}
Electric Key Punch [IBM] floor2 left {3}
MIT Whirlwind display [CMCH] floor2 right {5}
Computing without Electricity, with Integrators [Newcomer] (1917) floor 2 side (was floor4 right) {3}
more pictures of the Integrators [Newcomer] (1916) floor2 side {3}
Early Computer History Poster
(British), Microprocessor Provenance Poster.; in staircase from the
second to the third floor.
IBM 360 display [Gio], [IBM] floor3 left {6}
Disk Technology and Fortran Game [CMHC] floor3 left {2}
Early Modems [Gio] [CMHC] (1968) floor3 right (was left) {}
DEC PDP display [CMHC] floor3 right {9}
Timesharing display [CMHC] under construction, floor3 right {9}
CROMEMCO display [ Andy Berg, Ray Borrill, Roger Melen, Jeff Johnson, Roger Parkinson, Gio Wiederhold] {10}
David Gries' compiler book in card form [Gries] (1973) {3}
Galaxy-Game machine [Pitts] (1971) removed to CHM {3}
To view individual photos, use the detail list (original pictures, now incomplete).
Most photographs made by Nuriya Janss, July 1999,
later photographs by Gio Wiederhold, January 2001, December 2003 [Gio], and by Hector Garcia-Molinoa [HGM] in 2006.
This page first created 5 January 2000 by Gio Wiederhold,
Back to Computer History Display home page.
Back to Computer History Display Inventory pages, with some more photos.
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