Course Units UniversityComputer Science
CS130AB Data Structures and Algorithms 8 UCSB CS136 Automata and Formal Languages 4 UCSB CS160 Compilers 4 UCSB CS162 Programming Languages 4 UCSB CS170 Operating Systems 4 UCSB CS172 Software Engineering 4 UCSB CS176 Computer Communication Networks 4 UCSB CS178 Introduction to Cryptography 4 UCSB CS186 Theory of Computation 4 UCSB CS196 Algorithms for Graph and Network Problems 4 UCSB CS145 Introduction to Databases 3 Stanford CS193X X Window System Programming 2 Stanford CS202 Law for Computer Science Professionals 1 Stanford CS240B Advanced Topics in Operating Systems 3 Stanford CS242 Programming Languages 3 Stanford CS244A Computer Networks: Architectures & Protocols 3 Stanford CS244B Distributed Systems 3 Stanford CS245A Database System Principles 3 Stanford CS245B Database System Project Course 3 Stanford CS248 Introduction to Computer Graphics1 3 Stanford CS346 Transaction Processing 3 Stanford CS347 Distributed Databases 3 Stanford CS446 Tools and Processes for Software 3 StanfordMathematics
CS110A Scientific Computing: Continuous Algorithms 4 UCSB Math104ABC Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing 12 UCSB Math111A Abstract Algebra 4 UCSB Math132ABC Operations Research 12 UCSB PStat121AB Probability and Statistics 8 UCSBElectrical Engineering
ECE152A Logic Design and Switching Theory 5 UCSB ECE154 Introduction to Computer Architecture 4 UCSB EE282 Computer Architecture and Organization 3 StanfordComputer-Generated Music
Music109IA Computer Music: Synthesis and Composition 4 UCSB Music220A Fundamentals of Computer-Generated Sound 3 Stanford Music220B Compositional Algorithms, Psychoacoustics 3 Stanford