Searching Near-Replicas of Images via Clustering
Edward Chang, Chen Li, James Ze Wang, Peter Mork and Gio Wiederhold
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
Internet piracy has been one of the major concerns for Web
publishing. In this study we present a system, RIME, that we have
prototyped for detecting unauthorized image copying on the World-Wide
Web. To speed up the copy detection, RIME uses a new
clustering/hashing approach that rst clusters similar images on
adjacent disk cylinders and then builds indexes to access the clusters
made in this way. Searching for the replicas of an image often takes
just one IO to look up the location of the cluster containing similar
objects and one sequential le IO to read in this cluster. Our
experimental results show that RIME can detect image copies both more
e ciently and e ectively than the traditional content-based image
retrieval systems that use tree-like structures to index images. In
addition, RIME copes well with image format conversion, resampling,
requantization, and geometric transformations.
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Last Modified:
Fri Oct 2 00:41:27 PDT 1998
© 1998, James Z. Wang