Intelligent Portrait Composition Assistance - Integrating Deep-learned Models and Photography Idea Retrieval

Farshid Farhat, Mohammad M. Kamani, Sahil Mishra and James Z. Wang
The Pennsylvania State University, USA


Retrieving photography ideas corresponding to a given location facilitates the usage of smart cameras, where there is a high interest among amateurs and enthusiasts to take astonishing photos at anytime and in any location. Existing research captures some aesthetic techniques and retrieves useful feedbacks based on one technique. However, they are restricted to a particular technique and the retrieved results have room to improve as they are confined to the quality of the query. There is a lack of a holistic framework to capture important aspects of a given scene and help a novice photographer by informative feedback to take a better shot in his/her photography adventure. This work proposes an intelligent framework of portrait composition using our deep-learned models and image retrieval methods. A highly-rated web-crawled portrait dataset is exploited for retrieval purposes. Our framework detects and extracts ingredients of a given scene representing as a correlated semantic model. It then matches extracted semantics with the dataset of aesthetically composed photos to investigate a ranked list of photography ideas, and gradually optimizes the human pose and other artistic aspects of the composed scene supposed to be captured. The conducted user study demonstrates that our approach is more helpful than other feedback retrieval systems.

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Citation: Farshid Farhat, Mohammad M. Kamani, Sahil Mishra and James Z. Wang, ``Intelligent Portrait Composition Assistance - Integrating Deep-learned Models and Photography Idea Retrieval,'' Proceedings of the Thematic Workshops of ACM Multimedia, in conjunction with the ACM Multimedia Conference, pp. 17-25, Mountain View, California, October 2017.

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Last Modified: August 10, 2017
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