BBox-Guided Segmentor: Leveraging Expert Knowledge for Accurate Stroke Lesion Segmentation
Using Weakly Supervised Bounding Box Prior
Yanglan Ou (1), Sharon X. Huang (1), Kelvin K. Wong (2),
Jonathon Cummock (2), John Volpi (3), James Z. Wang (1), Stephen T.C. Wong (2)
(1) The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA
(2) T.T. and W.F. Chao Center for BRAIN & Houston Methodist Cancer Center, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas, USA
(3) Eddy Scurlock Comprehensive Stroke Center, Department of Neurology, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas, USA
Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the
world. Despite intensive research on automatic stroke lesion
segmentation from non-invasive imaging modalities including
diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), challenges remain such as a lack of
sufficient labeled data for training deep learning models and failure
in detecting some small lesions. In this paper, we propose BB-Guided
Segmentor, a method that significantly improves the accuracy of stroke
lesion segmentation by leveraging expert knowledge. Specifically, our
model uses a very coarse bounding box label provided by the expert and
then performs accurate segmentation automatically. The small overhead
of having the expert provide a rough bounding box leads to large
performance improvement in segmentation, which is paramount to
accurate stroke diagnosis. To train our model, we employ a
weakly-supervised approach that uses a large number of weakly-labeled
images with only bounding boxes and a small number of fully labeled
images. The scarce fully labeled images are used to train a generator
segmentation network, while adversarial training is used to leverage
the large number of weakly-labeled images to provide additional
learning signals. We evaluate our method extensively using a unique
clinical dataset of 99 fully labeled cases (i.e., with full
segmentation map labels) and 831 weakly labeled cases (i.e.,
with only bounding box labels), and the results demonstrate the
superior performance of our approach over state-of-the-art stroke
lesion segmentation models. We also achieve competitive performance as
a SOTA fully supervised method using less than one-tenth of the
complete labels. Our proposed approach has the potential to improve
stroke diagnosis and treatment planning, which may lead to better
patient outcomes.
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More information
Yanglan Ou, Sharon X. Huang, Kelvin K. Wong, Jonathon Cummock, John
Volpi, James Z. Wang and Stephen T.C. Wong, ``BBox-Guided Segmentor:
Leveraging Expert Knowledge for Accurate Stroke Lesion Segmentation
Using Weakly Supervised Bounding Box Prior,'' Computerized Medical
Imaging and Graphics, vol. 107, article 102236, pp. 1-8, 2023.
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Last Modified:
April 15, 2023
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