DeepStroke: An Efficient Stroke Screening Framework for Emergency Rooms with Multimodal Adversarial Deep Learning
Tongan Cai (1), Haomiao Nia (1), Mingli Yu (1), Xiaolei Huang (1), Kelvin Wong (2), John Volpi (3), James Z. Wang (1), and Stephen T.C. Wong (2)
(1) The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA
(2) T.T. and W.F. Chao Center for BRAIN & Houston Methodist Cancer Center, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas, USA
(3) Eddy Scurlock Comprehensive Stroke Center, Department of Neurology, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas, USA
In an emergency room (ER) setting, stroke triage or screening is a
common challenge. A quick CT is usually done instead of MRI due to
MRI’s slow throughput and high cost. Clinical tests are commonly
referred to during the process, but the misdiagnosis rate remains
high. We propose a novel multimodal deep learning framework,
DeepStroke, to achieve computer-aided stroke presence assessment by
recognizing patterns of minor facial muscles incoordination and speech
inability for patients with suspicion of stroke in an acute
setting. Our proposed DeepStroke takes one-minute facial video data
and audio data readily available during stroke triage for local facial
paralysis detection and global speech disorder analysis. Transfer
learning was adopted to reduce face-attribute biases and improve
generalizability. We leverage a multi-modal lateral fusion to combine
the low- and high-level features and provide mutual regularization for
joint training. Novel adversarial training is introduced to obtain
identity-free and stroke-discriminative features. Experiments on our
video-audio dataset with actual ER patients show that DeepStroke
outperforms state-of-the-art models and achieves better performance
than both a triage team and ER doctors, attaining a 10.94% higher
sensitivity and maintaining 7.37% higher accuracy than traditional
stroke triage when specificity is aligned. Meanwhile, each assessment
can be completed in less than six minutes, demonstrating the
framework’s great potential for clinical translation.
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More information
Tongan Cai, Haomiao Ni, Mingli Yu, Xiaolei Huang, Kelvin Wong, John
Volpi, James Z. Wang and Stephen T.C. Wong, ``DeepStroke: An Efficient
Stroke Screening Framework for Emergency Rooms with Multimodal
Adversarial Deep Learning,'' Medical Image Analysis, vol. 80, article 102522, pp. 1-15, 2022.
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Last Modified:
July 12, 2022
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