Asymmetry Disentanglement Network for Interpretable Acute Ischemic Stroke Infarct Segmentation in Non-Contrast CT Scans
Haomiao Ni (1), Yuan Xue (2), Kelvin Wong (3), John Volpi (4),
Stephen T.C. Wong (3), James Z. Wang (1), and Xiaolei Huang (1)
(1) The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA
(2) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
(3) TT and WF Chao Center for BRAIN & Houston Methodist Cancer Center,
Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas, USA
(4) Eddy Scurlock Comprehensive Stroke Center, Department of Neurology,
Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas, USA
Accurate infarct segmentation in non-contrast CT (NCCT)
images is a crucial step toward computer-aided acute ischemic stroke
(AIS) assessment. In clinical practice, bilateral symmetric comparison
of brain hemispheres is usually used to locate pathological abnormalities.
Recent research has explored asymmetries to assist with AIS segmentation.
However, most previous symmetry-based work mixed different
types of asymmetries when evaluating their contribution to AIS.
In this paper, we propose a novel Asymmetry Disentanglement Network
(ADN) to automatically separate pathological asymmetries and
intrinsic anatomical asymmetries in NCCTs for more effective and interpretable
AIS segmentation. ADN first performs asymmetry disentanglement
based on input NCCTs, which produces different types of 3D
asymmetry maps. Then a synthetic, intrinsic-asymmetry-compensated
and pathology-asymmetry-salient NCCT volume is generated and later
used as input to a segmentation network. The training of ADN incorporates
domain knowledge and adopts a tissue-type aware regularization
loss function to encourage clinically-meaningful pathological asymmetry
extraction. Coupled with an unsupervised 3D transformation network,
ADN achieves state-of-the-art AIS segmentation performance on a public
NCCT dataset. In addition to the superior performance, we believe
the learned clinically-interpretable asymmetry maps can also provide insights
towards a better understanding of AIS assessment. Our code is
available at ADN.
Full Paper
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More information
Haomiao Ni, Yuan Xue, Kelvin Wong, John Volpi, Stephen T.C. Wong,
James Z. Wang and Xiaolei Huang, ``Asymmetry Disentanglement Network
for Interpretable Acute Ischemic Stroke Infarct Segmentation in
Non-Contrast CT Scans,'' Proceedings of the International Conference
on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 13436, Linwei Wang et
al. (eds.), pp. 416-426, Singapore, September 2022.
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Last Modified:
September 14, 2022
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