Multi-region Saliency-aware Learning for Cross-domain Placenta Image Segmentation
Zhuomin Zhang (1), Dolzodmaa Davaasuren (1), Chenyan Wu (1),
Jeffery A. Goldstein (2), Alison D. Gernand (1), and James Z. Wang (1)
(1) The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA
(2) Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Illinois, USA
We propose a multi-region saliency-aware learning (MSL) method for
cross-domain placenta image segmentation. Unlike most existing
image-level transfer learning methods that fail to preserve the
semantics of paired regions, our MSL incorporates the attention
mechanism and a saliency constraint into the adversarial translation
process, which can realize multi-region mappings in the semantic
level. Specifically, the built-in attention module serves to detect
the most discriminative semantic regions that the generator should
focus on. Then we use the attention consistency as another guidance
for retaining semantics after translation. Furthermore, we exploit the
specially designed saliency-consistent constraint to enforce the
semantic consistency by requiring the saliency regions unchanged. We
conduct experiments using two real-world placenta datasets we have
collected. We examine the ecacy of this approach in 1) segmentation
and 2) prediction of the placental diagnoses of fetal and maternal
inflammatory response (FIR, MIR). Experimental results show the
superiority of the proposed approach over the state of the art.
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More information
Zhuomin Zhang, Dolzodmaa Davaasuren, Chenyan Wu, Jeffery A. Goldstein,
Alison D. Gernand and James Z. Wang, ``Multi-region Saliency-aware
Learning for Cross-domain Placenta Image Segmentation,'' Pattern
Recognition Letters, vol. 140, pp. 165-171, 2020.
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Last Modified:
October 15, 2020
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