The Stomatal Flexoskeleton: How the Biomechanics of Guard Cell Walls Animate an Elastic Pressure Vessel
Hojae Yi, Yintong Chen, James Z. Wang, Virendra M. Puri, and Charles T. Anderson
The Pennsylvania State University
In plants, stomatal guard cells are one of the most dynamic cell
types, rapidly changing their shape and size in response to
environmental and intrinsic signals to control gas exchange at the
plant surface. Quantitative and systematic knowledge of the
biomechanical underpinnings of stomatal dynamics will enable
strategies to optimize stomatal responsiveness and improve plant
productivity by enhancing the efficiency of photosynthesis and water
use. Recent developments in microscopy, mechanical measurements, and
computational modeling have revealed new insights into the
biomechanics of stomatal regulation and the genetic, biochemical, and
structural origins of how plants achieve rapid and reliable stomatal
function by tuning the mechanical properties of their guard cell
walls. This review compares historical and recent experimental and
modeling studies of the biomechanics of stomatal complexes,
highlighting commonalities and contrasts between older and newer
studies. Key gaps in our understanding of stomatal functionality are
also presented, along with assessments of potential methods that could
bridge those gaps.
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Hojae Yi, Yingtong Chen, James Z. Wang, Virendra M. Puri and Charles T. Anderson, ``The Stomatal Flexoskeleton: How the Biomechanics of Guard Cell Walls Animate an Elastic Pressure Vessel,'' Journal of Experimental Botany, Special Issue on Plant Biomechanics in the 21st Century, vol. 70, no. 14, pp. 3561-3572, 2019.
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November 25, 2019
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