A Scalable Integrated Region-based Image Retrieval System
Yanping Du, James Z. Wang
The Pennsylvania State University
In this paper, we present a scalable algorithm for indexing and
retrieving images based on region segmentation. The method uses
statistical clustering on region features and IRM (Integrated Region
Matching), a measure developed to evaluate overall similarity between
images incorporates properties of all the regions in the images by a
region-matching scheme. The algorithm has been implemented as a part
of our experimental SIMPLIcity image retrieval system and tested on
large-scale image databases of both general-purpose images and
pathology slides. Experiments have demonstrated that this technique
maintains the accuracy of the original system while reducing the
matching time significantly.
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Yanping Du and James Z. Wang ``A Scalable Integrated Region-Based
Image Retrieval System,'' Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image
Processing (ICIP), Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 22-25, IEEE, October
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May 1, 2001
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