Evolving Mashup Interfaces using a Distributed
Machine Learning and Model Transformation Methodology
Antonio Jesus Fernandez-Garcia, Luis Iribarne, Antonio Corral
University of Almeria, Spain
James Z. Wang
The Pennsylvania State University
Nowadays users access information services at any time and in any
place. Providing an intelligent user interface which adapts
dynamically to the users’ requirements is essential in information
systems. Conventionally, systems are constructed at the design time
according to an initial structure and requirements. The effect of the
passage of time and changes in users, applications and environment is
that the systems cannot always satisfy the user’s requirements. In
this paper a methodology is proposed to allow mashup user interfaces
to be intelligent and evolve over time by using computational
techniques like machine learning over huge amounts of heterogeneous
data, known as big data, and model-driven engineering techniques as
model transformations. The aim is to generate new ways of adapting the
interface to the user’s needs, using information about user’s
interaction and the environment.
Full Paper
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Antonio Jesus Fernandez-Garcia, Luis Iribarne, Antonio Corral and
James Z Wang, ``Evolving Mashup Interfaces using a Distributed Machine
Learning and Model Transformation Methodology,'' Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, vol. 9416, On the Move to Meaningful Internet
Systems: Proceedings of the OTM 2015 Workshops, I. Ciuciu et
al. (eds.), Workshop on Information Systems in Distributed
Environment, pp. 401-410, Rhodes, Greece, Springer International
Publishing Switzerland, October 2015.
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Last Modified:
October 9, 2015
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