Optimally Storing the User Interaction in Mashup Interfaces within a Relational Database

Antonio Jesus Fernandez-Garcia, Luis Iribarne, Antonio Corral, Javier Criado
University of Almeria, Spain

James Z. Wang
The Pennsylvania State University


Cross-device applications that have user interfaces managed in multiple forms of interaction are prevalent. In particular, component-based (or mashup) applications are growing in popularity due to their easiness to build customized user interfaces with pieces of information from different sources. Since the user interaction on mashup interfaces can generate a large quantity of data, which can be useful to improving the interaction and usefulness of the application, it may involve the creation of cloud infrastructures to manage the dynamic distributed user interfaces within this context. Storing the generated data from the interaction performed over the user interface can be challenging. To achieve these goals, in this paper, a relational database for storing this interaction information generated on distributed user interfaces is proposed. Thus, user interaction over heterogeneous interfaces and devices described in detail, will be easily accessible for further analysis using machine learning and data mining techniques to offer a better user experience.

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Citation: Antonio Jesus Fernandez-Garcia, Luis Iribarne, Antonio Corral, Javier Criado and James Z Wang, ``Optimally Storing the User Interaction in Mashup Interfaces within a Relational Database,'' Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9881, Current Trends in Web Engineering, S. Casteleyn et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Distributed User Interfaces: Distributing Interactions (DUI), pp. 188-195, Lugano, Switzerland, Springer Int. Publ. Switzerland, June 2016.

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