Visual Similarity, Judgmental Certainty and Stereo Correspondence
James Z. Wang and Martin A. Fischler
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Normal human vision is nearly infallible in modeling the visually
sensed physical environment in which it evolved. In contrast, most
currently available computer vision systems fall far short of human
performance in this task, and further, they are generally not capable
of being able to assert the correctness of their judgments. In
computerized stereo matching systems, correctness of the
similarity/identity-matching is almost never {\it guaranteed}. In
this paper, we explore the question of the extent to which judgments
of similarity/identity can be made essentially error-free in support
of obtaining a relatively dense depth model of a natural outdoor
scene. We argue for the necessity of simultaneously producing crude
scene-specific semantic ``overlay''. For our experiments, we designed
a wavelet-based stereo matching algorithm and use
``classification-trees'' to create a primitive semantic overlay of the
scene. A series of mutually independent filters has been designed and
implemented based on the study of different error sources.
Photometric appearance, camera imaging geometry and scene constraints
are utilized in these filters. When tested on different sets of
stereo images, our system has demonstrated above 97\% correctness on
{\it asserted} matches. Finally, we provide a principled basis for
relatively dense depth recovery.
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(PDF, long version)
James Z. Wang and Martin A. Fischler, ``Visual Similarity, Judgmental
Certainty and Stereo Correspondence,'' Proc. DARPA Image Understanding
Workshop, George Lukes, (ed.), vol. 2, pp. 1237-1248, Monterey, CA,
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, November 1998.
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© 1998, James Z. Wang