Data Management
and Query Processing for Semistructured Data : Thesis.
J. McHugh and J. Widom.
Optimizing Branching Path Expressions. Technical Report, June 1999.
R. Goldman, J. McHugh, and J. Widom. From
Semistructured Data to XML: Migrating the Lore Data Model and Query Language.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on the Web and
Databases (WebDB '99), Pages 25-30, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 1999.
J. McHugh and J. Widom. Query
Optimization for XML. To appear in Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth
International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Edinburgh, Scotland,
September 1999. This is a short version of the paper Query
Optimization for Semistructured Data, cited below.
J. McHugh and J. Widom. Compile-Time
Path Expansion in Lore. Proceedings of the Workshop on Query Processing
for Semistructured Data and Non-Standard Data Formats, Jerusalem, Israel,
January 1999.
J. McHugh and J. Widom. Query
Optimization for Semistructured Data. Technical Report, November 1997.
In 1999 this paper was revised with the XML standard in mind, shortened
to 20 pages, and then submitted for publication. This version appears as:
Optimization for XML.
J. Hammer, J. McHugh, H. Garcia-Molina. Semistructured
Data: The TSIMMIS Experience. Proceedings of the First East-European
Workshop on Advances in Databases and Information Systems-ADBIS '97, St.
Petersburg, Russia, September 1997.
S. Abiteboul, R. Goldman, J. McHugh, V. Vassalos, and Y. Zhuge. Views
for Semistructured Data. Proceedings of the Workshop on Management
of Semistructured Data, Tucson, Arizona, May 1997.
J. McHugh and J. Widom. Integrating
Dynamically-Fetched External Information into a DBMS for Semistructured
Data. SIGMOD Record, 26(4):24-31, December 1997. Also appeared in Proceedings
of the Workshop on Management of Semistructured Data, pages 75-82, Tucson,
Arizona, May 1997.
J. McHugh, S. Abiteboul, R. Goldman, D. Quass, and J. Widom. Lore:
A Database Management System for Semistructured Data. SIGMOD Record,
26(3):54-66, September 1997.
S. Abiteboul, D. Quass, J. McHugh, J. Widom, and J. Wiener. The
Lorel Query Language for Semistructured Data. International Journal
on Digital Libraries, 1(1):68-88, April 1997.
R. Goldman, S. Chawathe, A. Crespo, J. McHugh. A
Standard Textual Interchange Format for the Object Exchange Model (OEM).
Technical Report, October, 1996. A small internal document documenting
the OEM syntax.
D. Quass, J. Widom. R. Goldman, K. Haas, Q. Luo, J. McHugh, S. Nestorov,
A. Rajaraman, H. Rivero, S. Abiteboul, J. Ullman, and J. Wiener. LORE:
A Lightweight Object REpository for Semistructured Data. Proceedings
of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Montreal,
Canada, June 1996. Demonstration description.
Undergraduate Work
P. Olivieri, J. Gips, J. McHugh. EagleEyes: Eye Control Multimedia. ACM
Multimedia '95, San Francisco, November 1995.