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Solutions for Section 9.1
Solutions for Section 9.2
Solutions for Section 9.3
Solutions for Section 9.4
Solutions for Section 9.5
lowerPrice(inout real);
real getSpeed() raises notComputer;
SELECT p.model FROM PCs p WHERE p.price < 2000
SELECT DISTINCT lp1.manufacturer FROM Printers lp1, Printers lp2 WHERE lp1.manufacturer = lp2.manufacturer AND lp1.printerType = "laser" AND lp2.printerType = "laser" AND lp1.model != lp2.model
SELECT p.model FROM (SELECT x FROM PCs x WHERE x.price < 2000) p
SELECT DISTINCT lp1.manufacturer FROM (SELECT x FROM Printers x WHERE x.printerType = "laser") lp1, (SELECT y FROM Printers y WHERE y.manufacturer = lp1.manufacturer AND y.printerType = "laser" AND y.model != lp1.model) lp2Notice that the second collection in the FROM clause is empty unless there is a second laser printer by the manufacturer of lp1.
SELECT pc.manufacturer FROM PCs pc WHERE EXISTS pr IN Printers : pr.manufacturer = pc.manufacturer
SELECT pc1.manufacturer FROM PCs pc1 WHERE FOR ALL pc2 IN PCs : pc2.hd >= 2.0 OR pc2.manufacturer != pc1.manufacturerNotice that by requiring of every PC pc2 that it either be by a different manufacturer or have the requisite hard disk, we are saying that every PC by the manufacturer of pc1 has enough hard disk. The fact that pc1 exists guarantees that its manufacturer manufactures at least one PC.
AVG(SELECT p.speed FROM PCs p)
SELECT cdSpeed, AVG(SELECT part.pc.ram FROM partition part) FROM PCs pc GROUP BY cdSpeed: pc.cd
SELECT class, COUNT(SELECT part.s FROM partition part WHERE EXISTS outcome IN Outcomes : outcome.theShip = part.s AND outcome.status = sunk) FROM Ships s GROUP BY class: s.classOf HAVING MIN(SELECT part.s.launched FROM partition part) < 1919Starting from the FROM clause, we look at the ships s, and group them by class. The HAVING clause eliminates those groups (which are the classes) whose minimum launch date is 1919 or later. The result, expressed by the SELECT clause is a table giving the class and a count of a certain set. This set is obtained by looking at a group of ships and determining for each ship s whether that ship appears in an Outcome object with the status "sunk." We do not bother with DISTINCT when counting these ships, because it should be impossible for a ship to be sunk twice and therefore no ship s appears in two Outcome objects.
x = Set(1,2,3);
x = SELECT p FROM PCs p WHERE p.model = 1000;
colorado = Ship(name: "Colorado", launched: 1923, classOf: marylandClass )Here, we assume that marylandClass is a variable holding the class object for the ship-class "Maryland".
CREATE TYPE PersonType AS ( name NameType, mother REF(PersonType), father REF(PersonType) );The type NameType is not defined here. Its definition is Exercise 9.4.1(a).
CREATE TYPE ClassType AS ( class CHAR(20), type CHAR(2), country CHAR(20), numGuns INT, bore REAL, disp INT ); CREATE TYPE ShipType AS ( name CHAR(20), class REF(ClassType), launch INT ); CREATE TYPE BattleType AS ( name CHAR(20), theDate DATE ); CREATE TYPE OutcomeType AS ( ship REF(ShipType), battle REF(BattleType), result CHAR(10) ); CREATE TABLE Classes OF ClassType ( REF IS classID SYSTEM GENERATED ); CREATE TABLE Ships OF ShipType REF IS shipID SYSTEM GENERATED ); CREATE TABLE Battles OF TYPE BattleType REF IS battleID SYSTEM GENERATED ); CREATE TABLE Outcomes OF TYPE OutcomeType;
SELECT star->name FROM StarsIn WHERE movie->title = 'Ishtar';
SELECT DISTINCT movie->title, movie->year FROM StarsIn WHERE star->address.city() = 'Malibu';
SELECT s.name() FROM Ships s WHERE s.class() -> disp > 35000;
CREATE PROCEDURE DeleteStar(IN n CHAR(30)) BEGIN DELETE FROM StarsIn WHERE star->name = n; DELETE FROM MovieStar m WHERE m.name() = n; END;