Relational database design is one of the more theoretical topics of CS145, but it has fairly practical applications.
We will focus on one very important aspect of relational design: Redundancy, and the problems it causes. We will look at two different kinds of redundancy. For each, we will:
Request for patience: This is a topic for which it is hard to see the importance at first. When designing schemas at the scale we have been dealing with, people tend to naturally avoid the redundancy problems we will discuss. Also, the formalization of the redundancy can get a little tedious. It will turn out to be useful though, so have patience.
Example schema:
Student(ID, name, address, HScode, HSname, HScity, cumGPA, priority) Apply(ID, campus, date, major)
is determined by
(show example)
For every pair of tuples t and u in Student: if t[cumGPA] = u[cumGPA] then t[priority] = u[priority]This is a "functional dependency" (FD): a constraint specified with the schema of a relation.
A1, A2, ..., Am → B1, B2, ..., Bn (commas may be omitted)states that for every pair of tuples t and u in R: if
= u[A1,...,Am]
then t[B1,..,Bn] = u[B1,..,Bn]
We will abbreviate A1, A2, ..., Am
as AA
"A-bar") and B1, B2, ..., Bn
as BB
(or "B-bar").
(simple abstract example)
Question: What are some functional dependencies for
besides cumGPA → priority
Question: What are some functional dependencies for
Subtlety: What if relation R can contain duplicate tuples?
Note that key is required to be minimal; introduce "superkey"
Question: Can we also split the left-hand side?
Find all attributes B in R such that A1, A2, ..., Am → BThis set of attributes is the "closure" and is denoted {A1, A2, ..., Am}+
Algorithm for computing closure:
start with {A1, A2, ..., Am} repeat until no change: if current set of attributes includes LHS of a dependency, add RHS attributes to the set(Effectively applies combining and transitive rules until there's no more change.)
Example: closure of {ID, HScode}
in Student
given FD's:
ID → name, address, cumGPA cumGPA → priority HScode → HSname, HScityQuestion: How can we exploit closure to test whether a set of attributes is a key?
Related question: How can we find all keys given a set of FD's?
Definition: R1(A1, ..., Am) / R2(B1, ..., Bn) is a decomposition of R(C1, ..., Ck) if {A1, ..., Am} U {B1, ..., Bn} = {C1, ..., Ck}
Idea of decomposition:
Example decomposition:
(check criteria for decomposition)
Given: relation R and set of FD's for R
Definition: R is in BCNF with respect to its FD's if for every nontrivial FD AA → BB, AA contains a key.
Question: Why does violating this requirement produce a "bad" relation?
Student(ID, name, address, HScode, HSname, HScity, cumGPA, priority) FD's: ID → name, address, cumGPA cumGPA → priority HScode → HSname, HScity Key: ID, HScode
Question: Is the relation in BCNF?
Each violation produces anomalies.
Apply(ID, campus, date, major)Can apply to campus multiple times for different majors, but can only apply to a campus once per day
FD's: ID, campus, date → major Key: ID, campus, date
Question: Is the relation in BCNF?
Algorithm for decomposing a relation into BCNF relations:
Input: relation schema R and set of FD's for R (1) compute keys for R based on FD's (2) repeat until no more BCNF violations: (2a) pick any R' with AA → BB that violates BCNF (2b) decompose R' into R1(AA,BB) and R2(AA,CC) where CC is all attributes in R' except (AA U BB) (2c) compute FD's for R1 and R2 (2d) compute keys for R1 and R2 based on FD's(diagram)
Question: How can we compute keys in steps (1) and (2d)?
Question: How do we compute FD's in step (2c)?
(run algorithm on
=> Final decomposed relations may be different depending on which violating FD is chosen in each iteration (step 2(a)), but all decompositions will be in BCNF.
AA ->> BB is an MVD for relation R if: For all tuples t,u in R: If t[AA] = u[AA] then there exists a v in R such that: (1) v[AA] = t[AA] (2) v[BB] = t[BB] (3) v[CC] = u[CC] where CC is all attributes in R except (AA U BB)(show with picture; show implied fourth tuple)
MVD's are also called "tuple-generating dependencies."
Apply(ID, campus, sport)
Assume all students apply to each campus with all sports.
Question: What are FD's?
Question: What is key?
Question: Is it in BCNF?
Question: What are MVD's?
(show example data to verify)
Intuition: MVD's uncover situations where independent facts related to a certain object are being squished together in one relation.
Prove by showing (1), (2), (3) in MVD definition.
Question: Are there any rules for FD's that do not apply for MVD's?
Definition: R is in 4NF with respect to its MVD's if for every nontrivial MVD AA ->>BB, AA contains a key.
Note: Since every FD is also an MVD, 4NF implies BCNF
Question: What happens in the MVD definition if AA contains a key?
Algorithm for decomposing a relation into 4NF relations (same idea as BCNF):
Input: relation schema R and set of FD's and MVD's for R (1) compute keys for R based on FD's (2) repeat until no more 4NF violations: (2a) pick any R' with AA ->>BB that violates 4NF (2b) decompose R' into R1(AA,BB) and R2(AA,CC) where CC is all attributes in R' except (AA U BB) (2c) compute FD's and MVD's for R1 and R2 (2d) compute keys for R1 and R2 based on FD's
Question: How do we compute MVD's in step (2c)?
(run algorithm on Apply