General Information |
If you do not wish to bring homework to class for collection, you can hand them to Ms. Siroker in 435 Gates before the class begins.
You must acknowledge any sources you use to solve problems, other than the class textbook. This statement includes both materials found on the Web or elsewhere and help from other people, students or not.
It is ok to receive hints and debugging help from the instructor, TA's, or other students, or to have general discussions about problem solving strategies and write-ups, but you must indicate clearly on your assignment any assistance you received. Any assistance received (both from human and from inanimate sources) that is not given proper citation may be considered a violation of the Honor Code.
In any case, you are responsible for understanding and being able to
explain all of the statements in your assignments and examinations.
Solutions must be written up independently of
other students.
Assigned sections should be read (at least quickly) before the lecture.