Jeffrey D. Ullman

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Jeff Ullman is the Stanford W. Ascherman Professor of Computer Science (Emeritus). His interests include database theory, database integration, data mining, and education using the information infrastructure.

What's New | Polemics | Books | Biographical Information

What's New

Third Edition of Mining of Massive Datasets

The third edition is now available in hardcopy from Here. By agreement with Cambridge University Press, it may be downloaded gratis Here.

Gradiance News

Gradiance is a system for creating and administering class exercises. These homeworks and progamming labs are designed to teach students, rather than merely to test. Through the concept of a "root question," students can repeat the same work several times, and are given advice when they make an error. Directions for using the system, either as a student or an instructor can be found Here.

Free Book: Foundations of Computer Science

In 1992, Al Aho and I published a book called Foundations of Computer Science, whose goal was to present CS theory as something integrally connected to CS practice. For example, we viewed recursive programs, recursive definitions, and inductive proofs as the same thing. We believe the book deserved a better fate, but the publisher took it out of print years ago. Having received back the rights to the book, we are happy to make it freely available Here.

I Would Like to Hear From You, But...

I generally enjoy getting emails, even if it is to tell me of a mistake in a book. In fact, those notes are particularly important; they help not only me and my coauthors, but more importantly, later readers of the book. I try to respond helpfully and in a timely manner to email that isn't spam. However, there are two classes of emails that I think should not be written and that get a form response. Read More.


As part of my role as old curmudgeon (replacing my previous role as young curmudgeon), I have been writing a few articles about things I think especially stupid. I hope to write more.

Books --- Past and Future

For some sets of notes and materials for supplementing current books, click here:

Biographical Information

Jeffrey D. Ullman
ullman @
650-494-8016 (home)
650-725-2588 (FAX)