Wiederhold, Beringer, Sample, Melloul: Composition of Multi-site Services; accepted for IDPT'99, Kusadasi, Turkey, June 1999, yet this conference was moved to IDPT 2000, Dallas, USA, (also in Word 97 format)
Beringer, Wiederhold: Cost Estimation in CPAM, an Access Protocol for Remote and Autonomous Services, Position Paper for the Workshop on Cross-Organisational Workflow Management and Co-ordination, WACC'99, San Francisco, Feb. 22, 1999, available at http://SunSITE.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE/Publications/CEUR-WS/Vol-17/
Perrochon, Wiederhold, Burback: A Compiler for Composition: CHAIMS; Fifth International Symposium on Assessment of Software Tools and Technologies (SAST'97), Pittsburgh, June 3-5, 1997