Invitation to Plan for Zero

We assume you are accessing this page because you have been invited to participate in a planning meeting for a candidate program in ITO: Zero latency: High Performance access to Universal, but relevant, information. If you have not, and think that you should be, contact

Gio Wiederhold

by email to email to:, otherwise move on.
We expect about 20-30 participants.


Everything is at a very early stage. Three meetings are planned, one on the east coast, one in Texas (the south coast?), and one on the west coast. This note refers to the west coast one: Zero-work. Contact for information about the other meetings.

Other material on the page gives some background. Some of the material from DARPA has been hard to read, sorry. Our current draft is best read as Plan 0 (html) draft.
Two related figures are available as Zero-Hyper (html)

Other formats and some other stuff is reachable via my Work-in-Progress Page.


Generate material that John Salasin (or a successor) can defend up the DARPA hierarchy. That requires
  1. A Clear objective
  2. Novel and doable Technology
  3. Credible participants
  4. Transition paths (that may be mainly within DARPA)

A relevant quote

Heilmeyer's Catechism:
[George Heilmeier, ex ARPA director - one of the best ones]

From my stay at ARPA I have a slide show, with some slides addressing program creation:
My Vacation at ARPA.


The ZERO-work meeting will be held at SRI International in Menlo Park CA on January 27 and 28 (Tuesday and Wednesday). We will start Tuesday at 10am, to give out-of-towners a chance to Fly in. Comments ?
We will finish at noon on Wednesday, to let people, including John Salasin, get back on planes.


Menlo park is about equi-distant from SFO (north) and San Jose (south-east of SRI), 40 minutes should do it if the weather holds up.
From the north take the Marsh road exit of 101 to end, go west to Middlefield, south again to Ravenswood.
From the south take Willow road exit of 101 about a mile, go west to Middlefield, north again to Ravenswood.
SRI is on the left, halfway up the block. We will announce the room etc later.
More info can be obtained from SRI web pages.
More to come