have worked for many years on information architectures which are
intended to provided extra value to the customers, beyond the value
provided by the information sources. The modules, called
Mediators are interposed between databases and other
information sources, and client applications. They often carry out
the roles that used to be performed by human intermediaries, as
reviewers, abstracters, critics, writers of surveys and anthologies,
staff experts, advices givers as consumer organizations and colleagues,
librarians, and the person sitting next to you on a bus. We have less
access to such human resources now. The resulting
disintermediation leads to problems of access, information
overload, and maintenance of sharable information resources.
We observed that there were many ad-hoc tools and aproaches being
developed to deal with this issue, including work in our own
DARPA-funded KBMS project. An early paper, mapping earlier work into a
simple concept and architecture was written in 1991:
A set of viewgraphs summarizing the approach and indicating recent work at Stanford is
Architectural choices are discussed in
Wiederhold, Gio and Michael Genesereth:
"The Conceptual Basis for Mediation
Services (ps of Source)"; IEEE Expert, Vol.12 No.5, Sep.-Oct. 1997.
A later paper, "Weaving Data into Information", summarizes the state of
the art, including practical
applications was published in Database Programming & Design,
Freeman pubs, September 1998,
More details about current efforts is available about
Stanford's InfoLab and
A list of
commercial efforts in
mediation is being maintained by us.
A more general I3 mediation web page,
including research projects in Europe, the U.S., and around the world is
being maintained by Holger Wache of the University of Bremen.
Wiederhold, Gio:
"Mediators in the Architecture of Future Information Systems";
later published in IEEE
Computer, March 1992, pages 38-49. Two associated figures are
3. Data and Knowledge Loops (ps) or
5. Layers and interfaces (ps) or
Technology; various dates
DBPD Mediators
(html - Source), March 1998.
Slides from a tutorial, including a status assessment and directions for
future work, given at the
Herbstschule on Berlin, (html), October 1998 -- 112 viewgraphs
(updated Oct.1999) .
A report prepared for MITI, Trends in
Information Technology, (1999) includes mediator concepts and
business opportunities.
presentation slides, Oct 1999 (html).
presentation slides, Oct 1999 (powerpoint).
Gio's work on
Interoperation, Mediation, and Composition (LIC).
OMG now supports an
Clearinghouse' dealing with similar concerns, but without intelligent
Gio's projects in Mediation
We are and have been engaged in a number of projects that deal with
new paradigms for building, maintaining, and securing large computing
systems. These often involve intermediary
services at
various levels (CODATA 97 viewgraphs), so that sharing becomes
scalable. Papers on thses topics can also pe retrieved from my
Interoperation projects overview page.