year | 2001 | title | OntoWebber: Model-Driven Ontology-Based Web Site Management | abstract | Building data-intensive Web sites and especially Web portals is a costly task, which requires considerable effort for data integration and maintenance and usually does not result in many reusable components. This is mainly because most of the design is hard-coded in static or dynamic Web pages. In this paper we integrate three different approaches to create a comprehensive solution to Web site and Web portal creation dubbed OntoWebber. OntoWebber integrates (1) the explicit modeling of different aspects of Web sites, (2) the use of a domain ontology as the foundation for Web portal design and (3) semi-structured data technology for data integration and Web site modeling. The resulting system and methodology supports the creation of reusable specifications of Web sites. OntoWebber is the basis for creating the Semantic Web Community Portal as part of the OntoAgents project, which will help the Semantic Web research community (distributed on the Web) to exchange and share knowledge conveniently and effectively. |