DAML (OntoAgents) Homework Assignment 3:
Large-Scale DAML Content

1. We have generated a DAML/RDF Version of Wordnet. The RDF source of Wordnet and a schema describing the ontology used to describe the content of Wordnet is available at: http://www.semanticweb.org/library

2. We have also generated 10.820 statements (according to DAML viewer) so far by crawling the URLs: https://www.daml.org/homework/1/summary.htmll and http://www.ontoknowledge.org/oil/case-studies/ as entry points. The statements including are "ontological" and "instance oriented" as well, consisting of pages like the CIA factbook , the KA2 Ontology and the DAML pages of Homework Assignment 1 .

The result page of this crawl can be found at http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/WBS/daml/homework/crawlstatements.rdf (670 KB)

3. Lessons Learned. Techniques and Tools

For 1: Datasets of this size need database support - otherwise no use is possible.

For 2: We used the RDF/DAML-Crawler which writes a repository of RDF facts obtained during crawling and verify this repository with the DARPA DAML-Viewer . We use the DAML-Viewer also for counting the amount of statements in the repository file (file->properties).

During the crawling some questions arised:

By Sergey Melnik, Siegfried Handschuh, Stefan Decker,