Report Number: CS-TR-68-84
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: A computer system for transformational grammar
Author: Friedman, Joyce
Date: January 1968
Abstract: A comprehensive system for transformational grammar has been designed and is being implemented on the IBM 360/67 computer. The system deals with the transformational model of syntax, along the lines of Chomsky's "Aspects of the Theory of Syntax." The major innovations include a full and formal description of the syntax of a transformational grammar, a directed random phrase structure generator, a lexical insertion algorithm, and a simple problem-oriented programming language in which the algorithm for application of transformations can be expressed. In this paper we present the system as a whole, first discussing the philosophy underlying the development of the system, then outlining the system and discussing its more important special features. References are given to papers which consider particular aspects of the system in detail.