Report Number: CS-TR-72-288
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Logic for Computable Functions: description of a machine
Author: Milner, Robin
Date: May 1972
Abstract: This paper is primarily a user's manual for LCF, a
proof-checking program for a logic of computable functions
proposed by Dana Scott in 1969 but unpublished by him. We use
the name LCF also for the logic itself, which is presented at
the start of the paper. The proof-checking program is
designed to allow the user interactively to generate formal
proofs about computable functions and functionals over a
variety of domains, including those of interest to the
computer scientist - for example, integers, lists and
computer programs and their semantics. The user's task is
alleviated by two features: a subgoaling facility and a
powerful simplification mechanism. Applications include
proofs of program correctness and in particular of compiler
correctness; these applications are not discussed herein, but
are illustrated in the papers referenced in this