Report Number: CS-TR-88-1229
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Distributing Intelligence within an Individual
Author: Hayes-Roth, B.
Author: Hewett, M.
Author: Washington, R.
Author: Hewett, R.
Author: Seiver, A.
Date: November 1988
Abstract: Distributed artificial intelligence (DAI) refers to systems in which decentralized, cooperative agents work synergistically to perform a task. Altemative specifications of DAI resemble particular biological or social systems, such as teams, contract nets, or societies. Our DAI model resembles a single individual comprising multiple loosely coupled agents for perception, action, and cognition functions. We demonstrate the DAI individual in the Guardian system for intensive-care monitoring and argue that it is more appropriate than the prevalent team model for a large class of similar applications.