Report Number: CSL-TR-92-515
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: Partial orderings of event sets and their application to prototyping concurrent timed systems
Author: Luckham, David C.
Author: Vera, James
Author: Bryan, Doug
Author: Augustin, Larry
Author: Belz, Frank
Date: April 1992
Abstract: Rapide is a concurrent object-oriented language specifically
designed for prototyping large concurrent systems. One of the
principle design goals has been to adopt a computation model
in which the synchronization, concurrency, dataflow, and
timing aspects of a prototype are explicitly represented and
easily accessible both to the prototype itself and to the
prototyper. This paper describes the partially ordered event
set (poset) computation model, and the features of Rapide for
using posets in reactive prototypes and for automatically
checking posets. Some critical issues in the implementation
of Rapide are described and our experience with them is
summarized. An example prototyping scenario illustrates uses
of the poset computation model.