Report Number: CSL-TR-94-619
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: Evaluation of Multicast Routing Algorithms for Multimedia
Author: Noronha, Ciro A., Jr.
Author: Tobagi, Fouad A.
Date: April 1994
Abstract: Multimedia applications place new requirements on networks as
compared to traditional data applications: (i) they require
relatively high bandwidths on a continuous basis for long
periods of time; (ii) involve multipoint communications and
thus are expected to make heavy use of multicasting; and
(iii) tend to be interactive and thus require low latency.
These requirements must be taken into account when routing
multimedia traffic in a network. This report presents a
performance evaluation of routing algorithms in the
multimedia environment, where the requirements of multipoint
communications, bandwidth and latency must be satisfied. We
present an exact solution to the optimum multicast routing
problem, based on integer programming, and use this solution
as a benchmark to evaluate existing heuristic algorithms,
considering both performance and cost of implementation (as
measured by the average run time), under realistic network
and traffic scenarios.