Report Number: CSL-TR-94-646
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: Technology Mapping for VLSI Circuits Exploiting Boolean
Properties and Operations
Author: Mailhot, Frederic
Date: December 1994
Abstract: Automatic synthesis of digital circuits has gained increasing
importance. The synthesis process consists of transforming an
abstract representation of a system into an implementation in
a target technology. The set of transformations has
traditionally been broken into three steps: high-level
synthesis, logic synthesis and physical design.
This dissertation is concerned with logic synthesis. More
specifically, we study technology mapping, which is the link
between logic synthesis and physical design. The object of
technology mapping is to transform a technology-independent
logic description into an implementation in a target
technology. One of teh key operations during technology
mapping is to recognize logic equivalence between a portion
of the initial logic description and an element of the target
We introduce new methods for establishing logic equivalence
between two logic functions. The techniques, based on Boolean
comparisons, use Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs). An
algorithm for dealing with completely specified functions is
first presented. Then we introduce a second algorithm, which
is applicable to incompletely specified functions. We also
present an ensemble of techniques for optimizing delay, which
rely on an iterative approach. All these methods have proven
to be efficient both for run-times and quality of results,
when compared to other existing technology mapping systems.
The algorithms presented have been implemented in a
technology mapping program, Ceres. Results are shown that
highlight the apllication of the different algorithms.