Report Number: CSL-TR-94-651
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: Automatic Hazard-Free Decomposition of High-Fanin Gates in
Asynchronous Circuit Synthesis
Author: Myers, Chris J.
Author: Meng, Teresa H.-Y.
Date: December 1994
Abstract: In this paper we present an automated procedure to decompose
high-fanin gates generated by asynchronous circuit synthesis
procedures for technology mapping to practical gate
libraries. Our procedure begins with a specification in the
form of an event-rule system, a circuit implementation in the
form of a production rule set, and a given gate library. For
each gate in the implementation that has a fanin larger than
the maximum in the library, a new signal is added to the
specification. Each valid decomposition of the high-fanin
gates using these new signals is examined by resynthesis
until all gates have been successfully decomposed, or it has
been determined that a solution does not exist. The procedure
has been automated and used to decompose high-fanin gates
from several examples generated by the synthesis tools ATACS
and SYN. Our resulting implementations using ATACS, when
compared with SIS which uses synchronous technology mapping
and adds delay elements to remove hazards, are up to 50
percent smaller and have less than half the latency using
library delays generated by HSPICE.