Report Number: CSL-TR-95-664
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: Nondeterministic Operators in Algebraic Frameworks
Author: Meldal, Sigurd
Author: Walicki, Michal Antonin
Date: March 1995
Abstract: A major motivating force behind research into abstract data
types is the realization that software should be described in
an abstract manner - on the one hand leaving open decisions
regarding further refinement and on the other allowing for
substitutivity of modules as long as they satisfy a
particular specification.
The use of nondeterministic operators is a useful abstraction
tool: nondeterminism represents a natural abstraction
whenever there is a hidden state or other components of a
system description which are, methodologically, conceptually
or technically, inaccessible at a particular level of
specification granularity.
In this report we explore the various approaches to dealing
with nondeterminism within the framework of algebraic
specifications. The basic concepts involved in the study of
nondeterminism are introduced. The main alternatives for the
interpretation of nondeterministic operations, homomorphisms
between nondeterministic structures and equivalence of
nondeterministic terms are sketched, and we discuss various
proposals for initial and terminal semantics. We offer some
comments on the continuous semantics of nondeterminism and
the problem of solving recursive equations over signatures
with binary nondeterministic choice. We also present the
attempts at reducing reasoning about nondeterminism to
reasoning in first order logic, and present a calculus
dealing directly with nondeterministic terms. Finally,
rewriting with nondeterminism is discussed: primarily as a
means of reasoning, but also as a means of assigning
operational semantics to nondeterministic specifications.