Report Number: CSL-TR-95-677
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: SPARC-V9 Architecture Specification with Rapide
Author: Santoro, Alexandre
Author: Park, Woosang
Author: Luckham, David
Date: September 1995
Abstract: This report presents an approach to creating an executable
standard for the SPARC-V9 instruction set architecture using
Rapide-1.0, a language for modeling and prototyping
distributed systems. It describes the desired characteristics
of a formal specification of the architecture and shows how
Rapide can be used to build a model with these
characteristics. This is followed by the description of a
simple prototype of the proposed model, and a discussion of
the issues involved in building and testing the complete
specification (with emphasis on some Rapide-specific features
such as constraints, causality and mapping). The report
concludes with a brief evaluation of the proposed model and
suggestions on future areas of research.