Report Number: CSL-TR-95-678
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: Fast Volume Rendering Using a Shear-Warp Factorization of the
Viewing Transformation
Author: Lacroute, Philippe
Date: September 1995
Abstract: Volume rendering is a technique for visualizing 3D arrays of
sampled data. It has applications in areas such as medical
imaging and scientific visualization, but its use has been
limited by its high computational expense. Early
implementations of volume rendering used brute-force
techniques that require on the order of 100 seconds to render
typical data sets on a workstation. Algorithms with
optimizations that exploit coherence in the data have reduced
rendering times to the range of ten seconds but are still not
fast enough for interactive visualization applications. In
this thesis we present a family of volume rendering
algorithms that reduces rendering times to one second.
First we present a scanline-order volume rendering algorithm
that exploits coherence in both the volume data and the
image. We show that scanline-order algorithms are
fundamentally more efficient than commonly-used ray casting
algorithms because the latter must perform analytic geometry
calculations (e.g. intersecting rays with axis-aligned
boxes). The new scanline-order algorithm simply streams
through the volume and the image in storage order. We
describe variants of the algorithm for both parallel and
perspective projections and a multiprocessor implementation
that achieves frame rates of over 10 Hz.
Second we present a solution to a limitation of existing
volume rendering algorithms that use coherence accelerations:
they require an expensive preprocessing step every time the
volume is classified (i.e. when opacities are assigned to the
samples), thereby limiting the usefulness of the algorithms
for interactive applications. We introduce a data structure
for encoding spatial coherence in unclassified volumes. When
combined with our rendering algorithm this data structure
allows us to build a fully-interactive volume visualization