Click on someone's name to see their home page. The e-mail user ID is on (For example, Brad Adelberg's e-mail address is If the person has a publications page, a link is provided.

Name E-Mail User ID Link to Publications Page
Brad Adelberg adelberg publications
Michel B ilello michel


Markus Breunig breunig --
Ed Chang echang publications
Chen-Chuan Kevin Chang kevin publications 

Sudarshan Chawathe 



Roy Goldman royg


Luis Gravano gravano publications
Himanshu Gupta hgupta publications
Joachim Hammer joachim --

Jan Jannink



Pierre Huyn huyn --
Ben Kao kao --
Arthur Keller ark publications
Steve Ketchpel ketchpel --
Wilburt Labio wilburt publications
Brian Lent lent --
David Maluf maluf --
Jason McHugh mchughj publi cations
Svetlozar Nestorov evtimov publications
Yannis Papakonstantinou yannis --
Louis Perrochon perrochon publications
Meikel Poess meikel --
Dallan Quass quass --
Anand Rajaraman anand publications
Gerard Rodriguez gerard --
Michael Rys rys --
Narayanan Shivakumar shiva publications
Anthony Tomasic tomasic --
Vasilis Vassalos vassalos publications
James Wang wangz publications
Janet Wiener wiener publications
Tak Yan tyan --
Yue Zhuge zhuge --

Home Page