
CourseRank is a social tool we have developed in the InfoLab. CourseRank helps Stanford students make informed choices about classes and take advantage of the available learning options. It displays official university information and statistics, such as bulletin course descriptions, grade distributions, and results of official course evaluations. Students can anonymously rank courses they have taken, add comments, and rank the accuracy of each others' comments. They can also get recommendations, organize their classes into a quarterly schedule or devise a four year plan and track their progress. CourseRank also functions as a feedback tool for faculty and administrators, ensuring that information is as accurate as possible.

A variant of the CourseRank system is running live at Stanford:


B. Bercovitz, F. Kaliszan, G. Koutrika, H. Liou, A. Parameswaran, P. Venetis, Z. Mohammadi Zadeh, H. Garcia-Molina. Social Sites Research Through CourseRank. SIGMOD Record, to appear.

A. Parameswaran, G. Koutrika, B. Bercovitz, H. Garcia-Molina. Recsplorer: Recommendation Algorithms based on Precedence Mining. (ACM SIGMOD), June 6-11, 2010, Indianapolis, USA

G. Koutrika, B. Bercovitz, H. Garcia-Molina. FlexRecs: Expressing and Combining Flexible Recommendations. ACM SIGMOD, June 29-July 2, 2009, Providence, USA.

B. Bercovitz, F. Kaliszan, G. Koutrika, H. Liou, Z. Mohammadi Zadeh, H. Garcia-Molina. CourseRank: A Social System for Course Planning (Best Demo Award). ACM SIGMOD, June 29-July 2, 2009, Providence, USA.

G. Koutrika, B. Bercovitz, F. Kaliszan, H. Liou, H. Garcia-Molina. CourseRank: A Closed-Community Social System Through the Magnifying Glass (Best Paper Nominee). 3rd Int'l AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM), May 17 - 20, San Jose, California, 2009

G. Koutrika, B. Bercovitz, R. Ikeda, F. Kaliszan, H. Liou, Z. Mohammadi Zadeh, H. Garcia-Molina. Social Systems: Can We Do More Than Just Poke Friends? 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), January 4-7, Pacific Grove, California, 2009.

G. Koutrika, B. Bercovitz, R. Ikeda, F. Kaliszan, H. Liou, H. Garcia-Molina. Flexible Recommendations for Course Planning (Demo Paper). 25th Int'l Conf. on Data Engineering (ICDE), March 29 - April 4, 2009.

G. Koutrika, R. Ikeda, B. Bercovitz, H. Garcia-Molina. Flexible Recommendations over Rich Data. 2nd ACM Int'l Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys), October 23-25, 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Source Code

CourseRank has been open sourced under the BSD license here