InfoBase+: Distributing Objects Over Large Networks
Volker-H. Winterer
Freiburg University, Germany
We have developed a library system in cooperation with our University
Library, which allows us to provide all literature and knowledge
databases via Web, including databases implemented for the Windows
plattform and those using a Windows client, such as Beilstein.
The system, called InfoBase+, is in service since Nov. 1997 and is
currently used by approx. 14000 users at Freiburg University.
Furthermore, it is already in use at several other universities and,
among others, in the worldwide intranet of the pharmacological company
L. Hoffmann-La Roche located in Basle, Switzerland. Our system is an
obj.-oriented, client-server system implemented in Java.
In the ReDI-Project, a collaboration of the Computing Centers and
University Libraries of Freiburg and Stuttgart University, we are
currently extending our InfoBase+ system to provide database access
across the entire State Baden-Wuerttemberg (9 universities, 2 state
libraries, 27 technical/pedagogical schools, several hundred thousand
Dr. Volker-H. Winterer is head of the Systems and Operations Division at
the Computing Center, Freiburg University. Furthermore, he is chief
technologist in the ReDI-Project (see above). He received his diploma
and his Ph.D. in High Energy Physics/Computational Physics from Freiburg
University. Previously, he had been working for the OPAL-Collaboration
at Freiburg University and at CERN, Geneva (Switzerland) for ten years.
He is interested in all aspects of networked computing, in Computational
Physics and simulation.