Repeating History Beyond ARIES
C. Mohan
IBM Almaden Research Center
In this talk, I describe first the background behind the development
of the original ARIES recovery method, and its significant impact on
the commercial world and the research community. Next, I provide a
brief introduction to the various concurrency control and recovery
methods in the ARIES family of algorithms. Subsequently, I discuss
some of the recent developments affecting the transaction management
area and what these mean for the future. In ARIES, the concept of
repeating history turned out to be an important paradigm. As I examine
where transaction management is headed in the world of the internet, I
observe history repeating itself in the sense of requirements that
used to be considered significant in the mainframe world (e.g.,
performance, availability and reliability) now becoming important
requirements of the broader information technology community as well.
Dr. C. Mohan joined the Computer Science Department of the IBM Almaden
Research Center as a Research Staff Member in 1981. In 1997, Mohan was
named to IBM's highest technical position of an IBM Fellow for being
recognized worldwide as a leading innovator in transaction management.
He received the ACM SIGMOD Innovations Award in 1996 in recognition of
his innovative contributions to the development and use of database
systems. At VLDB99, he was honored with the 10 Year Best Paper Award
for the impact of his work on the ARIES family of algorithms. In 1992,
Mohan was elected a member of the IBM Academy of Technology. Since
late 1996, Mohan has been leading the Dominotes project whose goal is
to enhance Lotus Domino/Notes's scalability and fault tolerance by
introducing transactional recovery in Domino R5. Earlier, Mohan led
the Exotica project which was focused on advanced transaction
management and on IBM's workflow product FlowMark, messaging product
MQSeries and groupware product Lotus Notes. During 1998-99, he was on
a sabbatical at INRIA, Rocquencourt (France). Mohan was a designer and
an implementor of the R* distributed DBMS, the Starburst extensible
DBMS and DB2. He is the primary inventor of the ARIES family of
recovery and concurrency control methods, and the Presumed Abort
commit protocol. He has lectured extensively, and authored numerous
conference and journal papers on concurrency control, recovery, commit
protocols, index management, query optimization, active databases,
architectural support for transaction processing, parallelism,
OODBMSs, client-server computing, remote-site backup, workflow, data
sharing and distributed systems. He is a consultant for numerous IBM
database, transaction processing and workflow product groups. His
research ideas have been incorporated in the IBM products DB2/MVS, DB2
Common Server (DB2/NT, DB2/6000, ...), SQL/DS, IMS/ESA, MQSeries,
S/390Parallel Sysplex Coupling Facility, Lotus Notes/Domino, VM Shared
File System, AdStar Distributed Storage Manager (ADSM) and Workstation
Data Save Facility (WDSF/VM), in the IBM prototypes R*, Starburst and
QuickSilver, and in IBM's SNA LU6.2 and DRDA architectures.
Mohan is the recipient of several IBM awards: an IBM Corporate Award
for database support for parallel sysplex; an IBM Outstanding
Innovation Award (OIA) for his coinvention of the ARIES recovery
method which is being used in several IBM products, in
Transarc'sEncina Product Suite, and in the University of Wisconsin's
Gamma and EXODUS DBMSs, and SHORE persistent object system; an OIA for
his inventions (ARIES, ARIES/IM, Commit_LSN) and major contributions
to performance, availability and concurrency in DB2/MVS V4; three OIAs
for his algorithmic and hardware architectural coinventions for
supporting the shared disks transaction environment in S/390 and
DB2/MVS; an OIA for his coinvention of the Hybrid Join method which is
implemented in DB2/MVS; an OIA for his coinvention of the Presumed
Abort commit protocol which has been widely adopted in the industry
and which is now part of the ISO-OSI, X/Open and DRDA distributed
transaction processing standards; an IBM Research Division Award (RDA)
for his work on transaction management in R*; an RDA for his
contributions to WDSF/VM; 9th Plateau IBM Invention Achievement Award
for his patenting activities (28 issued and 5 pending patents). Mohan
was named a leading inventor of IBM for 1994 and 1995, and a Master
Inventor in 1997.
Mohan was the Americas Program Chair for the 1996 International
Conference on Very Large Data Bases, the Program Chair for the 1987
International Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems and a
Program Vice-Chair for the 1994 International Conference on Data
Engineering. He has been on the program committees of the conferences
editor of the VLDB Journal and Distributed and Parallel Databases - An
International Journal. He was an Associate Editor of IEEE's Data
Engineering Bulletin. He has been a visiting scientist in
Hahn-Meitner-Institut (Germany). Mohan received a PhD in Computer
Science from the University of Texas at Austin in 1981 and a B.Tech.
in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology,
Madras in 1977.