Towards a Synopsis Warehouse Peter Haas, IBM Almaden Research Center Data synopses are an essential ingredient of methods for fast approximate analytical processing, interactive data exploration, auditing, and automated metadata discovery. We consider the problem of maintaining a warehouse of synposes that "shadows" a full-scale data warehouse. Incoming data is decomposed into partitions, and a synopsis is created for each partition. As the data partitions are rolled in and out of the full-scale warehouse, the corresponding synopses are rolled in and out of the synopsis warehouse. Synopses are combined as needed to yield synopses of the corresponding combination of partitions. This approach is efficient, allowing parallel processing, as well as flexible. We discuss some recent work aimed at supporting a warehouse of synopses. Our focus is on two types of synopses: uniform random samples and synopses for estimating the number of distinct data values in a partition. Our algorithms correct, improve, and extend techniques such as classical reservoir and Bernoulli sampling, the "concise" and "sample counting" schemes of Gibbons and Matias, and various probabilistic-counting methods.