Privacy for Spatial Queries and Data Christian S. Jensen Center for Data-Intensive Systems (Daisy) Department of Computer Science Aalborg University Indications are that the emerging mobile Internet will be "bigger" than the conventional Internet. User context is expected to be important on the mobile Internet, with user location being a prominent aspect of the context. We are also witnessing a movement towards cloud computing and outsourcing of data management functionality. The talk describes the (query) location privacy problem for mobile services and presents a solution to the problem. The solution affords the user location privacy at low cost and enables trade-offs that involve the amount of privacy, the query cost, and the query accuracy. The talk also describes a solution to the problem of outsourcing the management of private spatial data. The challenge is how to ensure that the data is private and thus "hidden" from the service provider while also supporting the efficient querying of the data. Both pieces of work are part of a larger effort at Daisy to develop data management infrastructure for mobile services.