Content Recommendation on Yahoo! Sites Deepak Agarwal, Yahoo! Research Algorithmically matching articles to users in a given context is essential for the success and profitability of large scale content recommendation systems. The objective is to maximize some utility (e.g. total revenue, total engagement) of interest over a long time horizon. This is a bandit problem since there is positive utility in displaying items that may have low mean but high variance. A key challenge in such bandit problems is the curse of dimensionality. Bandit problems are also difficult to work with for responses that are observed with considerable delay (e.g. return visits, confirmation of a buy). One approach is to optimize multiple competing objectives in the short-term to achieve the best long-term performance. For instance, in serving content to users on a website, one may want to optimize some combination of click rate and time spent reading the article in the short-term to maximize user engagement in the long-run. In this talk, I will discuss some of the technical challenges by focusing on a concrete application - content optimization on the Yahoo! front page.