CS 545I - Advanced Image Databases
Winter quarter, 1996
Fridays, 3:15 - 4:30
Gates building, room 100
Dragutin Petkovic (petkovic@almaden.ibm.com) and
Oscar Firschein (oscar@infolab.stanford.edu) use for queries
sponsored by Gio Wiederhold,
Some References.
Planned Schedule for CS545I, (click for class summaries)
Friday January 12: (Initial,
organizational meeting) Oscar Firschein, Dragutin Petkovic, Gio Wiederhold
Friday January 19:
of Issues Oscar Firschein
Friday January 26: Basic
Issues in Content-based Retrieval Dr. Dragutin Petkovic
Friday February 2: Retrieving
Images on the Web Dr. Dragutin Petkovic
Friday February 9: Site
Model Oscar Firschein
Friday February 16: Content-based
image retrieval, where queries are image-like objects Prof. Carlo Tomasi
Friday February 23:
Compression and indexing
Gio Wiederhold
Friday March 1: Medical
Imaging Prof. Parvati Dev
Friday March 8: Content
Management for Multimedia Project Development - User' View Christine
M. Okon
Friday March 15: Wrap
Up, MPEG Student presentation
Friday March 22: Student
Seminar abstract
CS 545I is a reading and projects seminar. The topic is advanced image
databases. The emphasis will be on combining image-derived descriptors
and text databases to retrieve local and online images. Applications will
be surveyed to illustrate the strengths or weaknesses of specific techniques.
This seminar focuses on the following topics:
The problem of describing image content -- manually, semi-automatically,
or automatically -- and retrieving images based on these descriptions.
Topics also include image capture, annotation, data population and indexing.
Experiments using an interactive image retrieval system. The technical
basis for the Ultimedia Manager will be discussed in detail and class projects
using the system will be carried out.
On-line image databases based on WWW. We will review unique WWW issues,
and look into several available applications, including Query by Image
Content (QBIC) on WWW.
The RADIUS system for interactive image analysis of aerial images uses
3-D site models linked to text databases. The site model provides a powerful
indexing mechanism to both image and text databases.
Seminar format
A typical seminar meeting will consist of an instructor or student presentation
of papers from the literature and a discussion of the material. Credit
for the seminar only and a presentation will be 1 unit. Additional units
(3 normally) under CS-395 will be available for students who wish to execute
a project of their own choosing. We will use the IBM Ultimedia Manager
for doing research in image databases.
Students should have a background in database concencpts of at leat CS145.
Dragutin Petkovic is the Manager, Advanced Algorithms, Architectures and
Applications at IBM Resesarch in the Alamaden Laboratory. He has led the
development of the QBIC project. QBIC received the Seybold award for the
most innovative software product in 1995.
Oscar Firschein recently retired from SRI International and an assignment
to ARPA, where he was Program Manager for Image Understanding. He has performed
research and supervised many advanced projects in image processing. He
is, with Marty Fischler, co-author of a survey book in the topic.
Tentative course outline:
Introduction (2 lectures):
The users/customers of retrieval from image databases
Problems in describing image content.
Image indexing for content-based retrieval.
Automated and semi-automated approaches.
Image capture, annotation and database population
Integrating image-derived descriptors and conventional SQL-like databases.
Overview of current work in image content based retrieval and current
WWW - on-line image databases
Overview of some specific issues like low bandwidth and how to overcome
them, browsers, copyright issues etc. We will have WWW access in the class
and look into several systems on the WWW, including QBIC.
Introduction to QBIC with demo
Details on the technology behind QBIC (texture, shape characterization)
Review of the work of others like MIT Media Lab PhotoBook.
images and their use: radiography, tomography, magnetic resonance imagery
Coordinated 3-D site models, imagery, and conventional databases in
Results of QBIC experiments
Summary and discussion
Future work and opportunities
- Image indexing
- Architectures of an extensible system where new features can be added
- Efficient integration within traditional databases
- Image databases on the WWW
- User interface issues
Equipment available for student projects:
We will use the IBM Ultimedia Manager, a set of tools that helps the user
organize a visual database and find its cataloged images. The Ultimedia
Manager uses both QBIC technology and traditional SQL. The equipment will
be available to registered students on the 4th floor of the Gates building.