CS 545I
Advanced Image Databases, CS545I, W 95/96
Friday, 26 Jan 1996. Third lecture "Basic Issues in Content-based
1 Dr. Dragutin Petkovic, Manager, Advanced Algorithms, Architectures, and
2 The following basic issues in content-based retrieval were
3 General Issues
Image representation
Matching of image descriptors with query descriptors
Integration with traditional search and DB (SQL, text)
User Interface
Performance measures (retrieval accuracy, storage, speed)
Network and WWW and other systems issues
Data capture, annotation and indexing
Extentions to video
3 Network and WWW issues
Networks are slow, and we need fast browsing for image data
The slower the browse, the more important content based retrieval
Interactivity on WWW
Important to stage the search (do the fastest one first)
Access control
4 User Interface
Need to combine browse, search, navigation, and relevance feedback
Need to address wide variety of users, mostly non-technical users
"Visual" users (such as artists) search differently from others
Constant interplay between narrowing and broadening the search
Fast response
DonUt make it possible for user to get lost
Make interface intuitive, with not too many controls
It is difficult to communicate a variety of ranked results, especially if
ranks are combined
WWW issues: it is difficult to achieve interactively, speed, given the
limits of browsers (HTML) and in playing back image/video/
Great promise, portability, use of HotJava
5 IBM QBIC System
The IBM QBIC System was demonstrated. Of particular interest is the approach
to user interactions. The user is able to specify queries using both
standard database queries as well as by image characteristics (color,
texture, shape). These image characteristics can be specified directly or by
selecting "samplers," image exemplars that contain the desired
characteristics. Thumbnail images that satisfy the query are presented to
the user in order of relevance, and the user can select one of these as the
basis of the new query.
6 QBIC on the WEB
You can now try out QBIC ( Query By Image Content ) from the
World Wide Web. We have 1900 images in our test database.
The URL is:
The page allows you to submit queries and retrieve images from a
QBIC server.
Everyone is welcome to try it and mail us feedback at
Try it now before the masses find it and bog down the server!