Gates Building, Room 100, 3:15-4:30
Mar 8, 1996
Content Management for Multimedia Project Development - User's View
Christine M. Okon, Okon New Media, San Francisco
Seminar abstract
Content is a word that has been defined, stretched and redesigned to meet the
expectations of many industries and individuals who are trying to make the
most of multimedia. Content is what remains when the technology wears off:
the story, the intellectual property, the image, the song, the art.
Ms. Okon will compare the structure and idiom of different traditional media
to define "multimedia" content within the context of multimedia project
development. She will discuss the trends, challenges and opportunities of
acquiring, developing, distributing and managing multimedia content for
different environments and applications.
Demonstrations of stock image CD-ROMs and internet sites will be included.
About Christine M. Okon
Christine M. Okon, principal of Okon New Media, is a writer and consultant
specializing in multimedia content acquisition, development and distribution
in networked environments. She is co-author of the book Multimedia
Demystified, published by Random House, Apple Computer Inc. and vivid studios
and is a regular contributor to computer and consumer publications, including
Advanced Imaging, MacUser and Multimedia World. Her special focus is new
directions in multimedia information systems technology and applications. She
is currently working on a book about
digital content acquisition and development for multimedia personnel. Ms. Okon
is on the faculty of San Francisco State University's Multimedia Studies
C h r i s t i n e M. O k o n,
Okon New Media,
972 Chenery Street
San Francisco, CA 94131
415/337-6410 tel
415/469-9300 fax