CS 545I
Advanced Image and Video Databases, CS545I, W 96/97
Friday, 31 Jan 1997. Fourth lecture "Issues in Video Retrieval"
Dr. Dragutin Petkovic, Manager, Visual Media Management, IBM Almaden
Research Laboratories
This lecture will cover basic issues related to creating video databases.
Such databases should offer the user the ability to efficiently browse
and search for video that is digitally stored in large databases. Large
video databases must be used by stock video houses, TV producers, medical
and other eduction users, film editors, etc.
More specifically, we will cover:
Basics of video and MPEG
Video data preparation for databases (scene cuts, annotation, keyframe
selection, etc.
Issues related to search, browse, conent-based retrieval of video
IBM Almaden Research Activities
We will also show tapes of some IBM Almaden Research Lab activities
in this area.