Gates Building, Room 100, 3:15-4:30
28 Feb, 1997
Database Indexing Techniques
Prof. Gio Wiederhold
Seminar abstract
Objective: Image represented by fewer bits
- Less space needed
- Lower transmission load
- Extensive automated pre-processing
- Typically fast restoration
Compression methods
- Pixel-sequence
- sequences of 1's, 0's, , , to count
- (easy for TV-lines, but sequence lengths are limited)
- pattern creation and indexing (Ziff-Lempel)
- (less effective without semantic-based repeats, as in text)
- 2D, 3D Localities
- Preprocessing to frequency domain
- Blocks 8 x 8 pixels (JPEG) for images
- (some storage and latency in encoding)
- Cubes 8 x 8 x 8 (MPEG) for video
- (much storage and latency in encoding)
- Lossy compression: ignore small differences
- Interpolation:
- transmit complete frame image rarely
- create morphed frames in the interval
- (MPEG: midway)
- correct morphed frame blocks that differ greatly
- (not now in MPEG)
- create more morphed frames in interval
- (MPEG: recursively)
Effect on TV images:
reduction to 5%, imperceptible quality difference
- MPEG developments --> NTSC TV at 650Kb/s
- extensive preprocessing in transmitter
- latency in reconstruction in set-top box
- HDTV cannot be compressed that much (1.5Mb/s?)
- digital format easier to manage
- Video conferencing at 128Kb/s
- Irregular rate due to hard-to-compress images
- requires additional buffering (10 images?)
Future Directions
- Segmented compression
- recognize irregular, similar segments
- (2D, 3D Ziff-Lempel-like?)
- arrange in prefix-tree for recovery.
- Scene-based segmentation
- distinguish background, moving objects
- background (scanned by viewer), transmit motion, borders
- objects handled with more fidelity
- Model-based compression
- create model from image? hard research problem
- alternate viewers, create flat image only at receiver
Indexing Outline
1. Create sets of symbolic descriptors for images
- attach references to stored image objects
2. Collect descriptors for easy processing
- sort, arrange in a hierarchy, intersect, union
3. To retrieve, create descriptor set for query
4. Match descriptors, typically multiple (partial match)
5. Provide feedback to customer
- too many / displayable sample / exact match / no match
6. Improve the query if needed, return to 3.
Index features
- Traditional databases:
- primary index with a unique mapping (good to have)
- secondary indexes (for non-unique attributes)
- refer to stored objects (more maintenance as DB is updated)
- refer to primary index (slower access)
- Bibliographic Databases
- one super-index (it's all words)
- efficient operations to create unions and intersects
- needed for synonyms (fast, speedy)
- reduce result, and define domain (nail, hammer)
- Image databases need both !
Index Creation Alternatives
- Index entire image or video clip (vs segments û û
- external descriptors (vs internal features û )
- obtained when image was acquired
- name, track, lat, long, viewing angles for satellite images
- source, location, time (often irregular data)
- provided by image analysts
- captions for images from books, video clips
- speech recognition (CMU)
Features for describing images
- internal features
- formal parameters:
- Avg.luminosity, granularity, color spectrum,
- Eigenvalues (used for fingerprints)
- template match
- blocks for fields, lines without sharp bends for RR tracks
- presence of airports
- presence of airplanes (generalized cones)
- image understanding
Segmenting prior to Indexing
- Index segments (to be more coherent)
- segments are created by human outlining
- with subsequent adjustment
- segments are human selected from preprocessed images (detail
eliminated, candidate bondaries exist)
- segments are human selected and then processed to locate
borders (snakes)
- segments are due to gridding
- grid is regular (hard to match to query)
- grid is recursive, terminal when pixels are identical
- segments are image-based (image processing)
- segments are model-based (image understanding)
Features of segments
coherence permits finer descriptions
- number (per type)
- size (or size distribution)
- shape (moments [QBIC])
- orientation
- color (or spectrum)
- texture
each feature creates one (or more) indexes
Storing Segments
- by reference to the image only
- breaking up the image and placing segments
- into a grid (blocks arranged by recursive space filling)
- useful for subsequent image traversal
- into a tree (but maintain image locality)
- useful for subsequent image traversal
- good aid to compression
- into segment-type specific files
- fast presentation of objects to consumer
(out of context)
- efficient storage due to homegeneity
- costly to reconstruct the total images
(but only a few should be presented anyhow)
Index construction
- One index lists one attribute type
Unique index has one distinct key value per image (n
Most image indexes are non-unique (c distinct values
<<n )
- Indexes are sorted to bring like index-entries together
- Indexes can be compressed (prefixes are locally similar)
- Indexes can be
1.distinct from the data (even remote) (limits compression)
2. adjoining the data
3. intermingled (rapid data access)
- Image files will typically have many indexes (m )
Attributes for images/segments
- Darkness (overall) (limited to segments)
- dark/grey/light scale histogram
- Color triple
- Color histogram
- granularity / histogram
- dominant line orientation / histogram
- dominant shape type / histogram
- dominant object type / histogram
- exceptional types (relative to an images series)
- lightflash (nuclear monitoring)
- big vehicle
- many people
Index usage
- Non-unique indexes must be used in combination to reduce result
to a reasonable (if not unique) subset
- Prediction of selectivity for index 1, 2, ..., m used
seems easy, but values are very correlated, so that
either s << n (too many results) or s >
n (none).
- So use some indexes for selection (assuring s < n
) and others for ranking (close match of index values)
Index selection
Which indexes to use for
1. match selections reliable, external
take intersections (inputs can be large)
(poorly supported by relational, business-oriented systems)
2. ranking fuzzy, internal
show at least thumbnails, user cannot judge from index values
3. not at all overly restrictive
Combine indexes into a hierarchy? (K,D trees)
say, shape before color
situation, customer dependent
Multiple hierarchies ?
Cost of dealing with indexes
- more indexes ð linearly more cost
- cost per index varies theoretically, more practically
- sorted into blocks, sub indexes to blocks, sub-sub accesses
= x, x = logyn can be few:
x = no of levels; y = fanout = blocksize/entries
n = 106, B= 1000, E=10, y = 100
ð 3 ! fast
- This is true in well-built systems, as most relational, but
those do not handle intersection (fetch large subsets)
- indexes are less well built in bibliographic systems. and
those handle intersections well
- Need better infrastructure support
Fuzzy queries
nearest neighbor semantically
- drop low-order bits if descriptor is continuous
- complexity: color represented by a triple
- provide auxliary mappings for discrete terms
nearness is a semantic concept,
depends on customer, application
Example `near SFO'
- for pilot: {San Carlos, Alameda NAS, Ames, Oakland}
- for airline pilot: {Oakland, San Jose}
- for taxi {Millbrae, Burlingame, South City, San Mateo, Belmont,
San Francisco, San Carlos}
indexing method effectiveness depends on
- image type (source)
- volume (determines feasibility of :
- manual preprocessing
- automatic preprocessing with human supervision
- automatic processing with human exception handling
- full automatic processing of storage and indexing, human
only involved in filtering querry results
- application
- select nice picture for publication
- warn people of disasters
- ....
- Scalability of nice methods (including those below)
- combinatorial indexing infrastructure
- robust descriptors
- priorities in fuzzy retrieval
- segmentation
- balancing locality withindexing partitioning
- combining compression and indexing effectively
- model-based compression and indexing
- . . .