This talk will describe two models for object-oriented document management systems. First, I will discuss the object model and query language used in the Documentum Server (tm). The Documentum Server was designed around the notions that documents (and everything else in the system) would be represented as objects and that all of the functionality of the system would be exposed through a "document-oriented" query language. The Documentum Server is now in production use at customer sites around the world; I'll briefly mention some of the problems of building a truly "industrial strength" object-oriented system.
Finally, I will discuss the object model being proposed by the Document Management Alliance (DMA), an industry consortium that is attempting to define a standard for interoperability among document management systems (I am the Documentum technical representative to DMA). I will describe the current state of the DMA effort and discuss some of the more difficult technical problems in building an interoperability standard.