Thinking Relational: Using SQL for spatial data access the way god intended-- it's sets stupid! Spatial objects, temporal objects, or in fact subspaces in any metric space can be described by constraints that define the union of convex hulls (and their negations). These objects have a disjunctive normal form representation and obey DeMorgan's Laws under Boolean operations. They can be represented by a pair of relations that allow very efficient object manipulation and very simple containment queries. The SQL programs are short, simple, and execute quickly, mostly because SQL is a set-oriented programming language. A related but different problem is computing all neighbors of a point set. This computation runs slowly if programmed as a loop outside SQL; but, when expressed as set manipulations runs two orders of magnitude faster. The take-away from this is that there are real incentives for using SQL as a set-manipulation language rather than a record-at-a-time access method. (This work is joint with Alex Szalay of Johns Hopkins University.)