CS545 - Stanford InfoSeminar 2006

The InfoSeminar is held during the winter quarter only. It is organized by Jennifer Widom.

DateSpeakerTitle (link to abstract)BioSlides
Jan. 13th Rakesh Agrawal, IBM Almaden Research Center On Honesty in Sovereign Information Sharing bio --
Jan. 20th Dean Jacobs, salesforce.com Hosted Enterprise Services bio --
Jan. 27th Omar Benjelloun, Stanford InfoLab New Bases for New Data bio slides
Feb. 3rd Minos Garofalakis, Intel Research Berkeley Sketching Streams through the Net:
Distributed Approximate Query Tracking
bio slides
Feb. 10th Christopher Olston, CMU and Yahoo! Research User-Centric Web Crawling bio slides
Feb. 17th Utkarsh Srivastava, Stanford InfoLab Efficient Query Processing for Modern Data Management bio slides
Feb. 24th Neoklis Polyzotis, UC Santa Cruz Graph-Based Synopses for Relational Selectivity Estimation bio slides
March 3rd Prabhakar Raghavan, Yahoo! Research The Changing Face of Web Search -- slides
March 10th Kathleen Fisher, AT&T Labs PADS: Processing Arbitrary Data Sources bio slides
March 17th Marti Hearst, UC Berkeley Supporting Annotation Layers for Natural Language Processing bio slides